
Common Misconceptions About Bodyguards

For those that aren’t in the private security industry or have never had their own bodyguard, most of their perceptions are based on what they’ve seen in movies or television. Either they believe that all bodyguards are huge, silent brutes that stand around in suits, or on the other side of the spectrum — Kevin Costner. We’re not saying that these films and shows aren’t entertaining, they are, but they paint a false persona on a profession that requires skill, intensive training, diligence, patience, and an acute attention to detail. This blog post will highlight some of the most common misconceptions about personal security and how false the opinions are. Continue to follow our blog and don’t hesitate to contact us now if you feel that you feel like your safety is in jeopardy and you are in need of a personal bodyguard in Texas.


All Bodyguards Are Strong Men

It’s very rare to see a female bodyguard in action movies. The general consensus with those that don’t know much about the security profession is that every bodyguard is male and when not on the job is likely in the gym. This is completely false. The duty of a personal bodyguard is to keep their client and/or their client’s possessions safe. This, in no way, is determined by sex or the ability to bench press an excessive amount of weight. Bodyguards do need to be in above-average physical condition, but muscle mass is not bulletproof nor does it provide the mental acuity to detect threats in the heat of the moment.

Some of the best personal bodyguards in the industry are women. And, in fact, they are becoming increasingly popular and specifically requested. If the client is a woman or has children that need protection, they may feel more inclined to have a female bodyguard at their side or in their home.

Personal Protection Requires No Thought

There is nothing more false or irritating than the opinion that personal security requires no thought, only action, and intimidation. A main component of the job is the ability to read the body language of strangers and detect any odd behavior or a dangerous environment. A bodyguard that is only there to look tough and that lacks fine-tuned surveillance abilities will be putting the client’s safety at risk.

Only Celebrities Hire Bodyguards

We have brought this up in a previous post because it is the most popular misconception the public has about bodyguards. Celebrities certainly do need personal security, but they are in no way the only ones who do. We have a wide variety of clients that need protection for different reasons. This includes business owners, those with a job that requires handling valuables, politicians, and those that feel like a friend, family member, or acquaintance has a personal vendetta against them.

Tx2 Security Group

If you feel like you or your family are in need of personal protection, contact us immediately. There is no reason to wait when it comes to your safety. All of the personal bodyguards at Tx2 Security in Texas are highly-trained, skilled, experienced, and dedicated to their job and the lives of their clients.